Monday, February 13, 2012

First Day Of Sabbatical

 This is the seat of central government, and perhaps Wellington's most iconic landmark, the 'beehive'. I took a short walk from the Capital and Coast Board of Health office where I spent most of my first day on sabbatical and ate my lunch in the sun.
 In the caption below you can see the modest four story grey building where the C&C offices are on the top floor. They all access the office space climbing the stairs. They are a short walk from the train station where I caught the train back up the coast to Otaki at the end of the day. These offices are scheduled to move a short time after I return home as this building must be refitted for higher earthquake standards. They will move next to the Wellington Regional Hospital and the new-yet-to-open APS section of the hospital.
 Below is the largest wooden structure, with the red roof, that now exists in the southern hemisphere. It sits just a block from the Beehive. In the foreground is a Maori tribal landmark called a 'po', spelling is uncertain.
 This is the plaque seen when entering the C&C office space for Tony Littlejohns, Operations manager, who shares the top floor with an interior designer, and about eight other staff. I was introduced to eight others who came for a regional planning meeting that I sat in on for the implementation of CAPA. For those curious about CAPA, The Choice and Partnership Approach, see   This system is a new approach that has proven to eliminate waiting lists for intakes and 2nd session follow ups,  it appears to pose significant advantages and efficiencies.
 Tony Littlejohns drove me across town to the Wellington Regional Hospital so I could get my official badge. The security staff at the hospital did not pay attention to the "Special Staff" status that was listed on the form or the expiration date that was for this May, oh well.

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